
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tai Cheong Bakery Egg Tarts

I chanced upon this article in CNNgo website about  egg tarts from Hong Kong's famous Tai Cheong Bakery and after seeing the tempting pictures of bright yellow custardy eggy egg tarts, I was motivated out of curiosity to try their egg tart recipe just so I can taste for myself if they really are as good as they looked.

Here is a pic of my first attempt in making the egg tarts. I have substituted butter for the margarine in the recipe. They turned out to be quite delicious, the crust buttery, the filling smooth and eggy, and my Daughter  wallopped 4  tarts in one go hot off the oven! But ....  my only gripe was the egg custard filling was just too sweet & cloying. So on my second attempt,  I've reduced the amount of sugar to just 200g which is just right for my taste. Good. Just like those you'd find in coffeeshops.  

Tai Cheong Bakery Egg Tart Recipe
(taken from CNNgo article )
Flour 450g
Sugar 110g
Evaporated milk 2 teaspoons (Note: This amount was not enough for me to bind the dough together so I've added more bit by bit)
Margarine 110g 
Butter 110g

Egg Custard Filling:
Water 450ml
Evaporated milk 200ml
Sugar 450g
Egg 4pcs 

Pre-heat the baking oven to 300°C. (Note: My oven can only go up to 250°C the highest so I've pre-heated my oven at this temperature) 

1. Mix all pastry ingredients and knead it into a dough.
2. Refrigerate the dough for 2 hours, re-knead it before use.
3. Roll out the dough and cut it to small dough balls, then press the balls into the tart shells.
4. Pour the egg custard filling into the shells. Bake it 5 minutes or until the pastry turns golden brown, then bake for another 15 minutes or more until cooked at 150°C.

Egg Custard Filling:
1. Dissolve the sugar in the boiling water, set it aside to cool down
2. Stir in the egg, evaporated milk with the cold sugar water.
3. Sieve the mixture and refrigerate it for 30 minutes before pouring it into the shells with pastry on.


  1. Do we need to bake the egg tarts after pouring the egg custard filling?

  2. Hi you mentioned you substituted butter for the margarine. So in total 220g butter, is that correct? TIA.
